Our intake forms and online paperwork takes most clients about 30 minutes to read and fill out, so we recommend completing them prior to your visit. If you cannot complete them prior to your first session, please come early to allow enough time to finish them before your intake. 

We do require you to complete your intake questionnaires in our patient portal which can be found here: Eclipse Counseling Patient Portal. If you do not have an opportunity to complete your paperwork and online forms, we will spend time during your intake session to do so. If you need help setting up your portal please call us at 715-255-1117. Thank you!
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used or disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. A signed copy needs to be returned to the clinic before an initial appointment can be scheduled. This paperwork is required.
This can be faxed back at 320-640-9261 or emailed to info@eclipsecounselingcenter.com
This paperwork is required to be filled out, reviewed, and signed prior in order to be scheduled your first appointment.
This can be faxed back at 320-640-9261 or emailed to info@eclipsecounselingcenter.com
This form only needs to be completed if the client is a child or adolescent and their custodial parents, legal guardians and/or caregivers are divorced or not cohabiting.